With many companies fully embracing remote work opportunities, conference room technology design trends are quickly changing. To stay competitive, look at some of the top trends to watch for.
Related Post: 4 Huge Reasons Why You Need Video in Your Conference Rooms
1. LED Video Walls
LED video walls are more common now, and thus, they’re also more affordable. They offer better quality visuals than projectors or monitors do, with bright and vivid colors and high-quality, clear, and sharp images. LED video walls can also save you money down the line because they are extremely energy-efficient. (For reference, they use about half as much energy as projectors.) They also boast lower operational and maintenance costs when compared to monitors and projectors.
2. Interactive Whiteboards
Interactive whiteboards give you the ability to create more dynamic presentations and keep people engaged. This conference room technology makes meetings run more smoothly by enhancing video conferencing with premium features that allow you to do several things.
Interactive whiteboards can:
- Record video conferences.
- Spotlight a particular area on the whiteboard (drive attention there instead of elsewhere).
- Zoom in and magnify images.
- Screen shade (hide particular information and reveal it when needed).
- Take screenshots (to use later as handouts).
- Run files, programs, and apps that are designed for computers.
- Surf the internet.
- Play videos.
3. Custom-Branded Conference Rooms
With video conferencing becoming the new norm for many businesses, more organizations are jazzing up their conference rooms to spark creativity and inspire employees. Adding custom-branded signage, painting an accent wall with branded images and design, is a great way to transform a boring conference room, enhance a team’s company culture, and make online conferences more interesting and engaging. However, you’ll want to be careful that you don’t go overboard. Too much signage or paint might also be distracting, so balance is key.
4. Full Automation
When your conference room technology fails you and refuses to work well together, company leaders and employees get equally frustrated and annoyed. Not to mention how it hampers your productivity. Instead, many organizations are beginning to install an intuitive automation system in their conference room. This type of automated system ensures that lighting and audio/visual gear all work efficiently and cohesively.
Need Conference Room Technology Installation From the Pros?
If you want to take your conference room technology to the next level, contact American Sound for installation. We can help you transform your conference room into a more useful and effective space.