Hybrid Teaching Technology FAQs

American Sound helps teachers have more effective classroom settings and outcomes with classroom sound reinforcement systems as well as interactive classroom technology that helps your students engage with their lessons.

Hybrid teaching has made huge strides and headlines since the COVID-19 pandemic changed our modern world and how teachers handle their lesson plans and teaching methods.

Today, our team answers frequently asked questions about hybrid teaching technology.

What hybrid teaching technology does each classroom need?

Hybrid teaching involves in-person and remote learning. As such, you must set up your classroom for both types of teaching for maximum effectiveness.

  1. Computers. The teacher needs a desktop computer to manage everything effectively, while students should have laptops or tablets so they can follow along in their lessons.
  2. Video technology. In addition to cameras, there are devices called visualizers that allow teachers to show intricate details by magnifying a small object, such as a leaf, document, insect, image, or chart, and displaying the object on a screen in the classroom or on a student’s computer monitor. If you walk around as you teach, auto-tracking cameras are vital to this teaching model.
  3. A wearable microphone. A teacher should wear a portable microphone so students can hear every part of the lesson.
  4. Speakers. The microphone should connect to speakers in the classroom but also the remote learners. Everyone should be able to hear the teacher.
  5. Interactive displays in the classroom allow you to change what’s on the screen and send what’s on the display to students’ computers at home.
  6. Interactive control boxes let teachers to share screens through multiple sources, allowing students with computers to see the same information.
  7. Charging carts and cabinets. For in-classroom learners, you need a secure place to charge laptops and tablets. A cabinet or cart specifically designed for this purpose keeps everything safe and secure.

How is hybrid teaching technology set up?

Every classroom is different, and a professional sound system installation company can help you with your hybrid teaching technology setup. The exact configuration depends on the technology tools you have on hand, the size of the physical classroom, the shape of the room, and how many students you have.

Here is a basic way to set up your classroom tech:

  1. Install cameras so remote and in-person learners can see all materials on the board and in the classroom, and so they can see the teacher when needed.
  2. Arrange the cameras around the communication and collaborative technology tools, such as whiteboards and visualizers.
  3. Keep your physical classroom space flexible and moveable, depending on classroom activities. While a traditional setup can work for some lessons, when you teach other lessons, it might be more appropriate to have a circular arrangement where in-person learners form a circle around the teacher.

Why should my school invest in hybrid teaching technology?

Several good reasons to invest in this technology include:

  1. Fostering every kind of learning style: audial, visual, and hands-on.
  2. Offers collaborative learning.
  3. Teaches children how to use technology at a young age, which will help them later in life.
  4. Professional equipment works together to bring about the best learning outcomes.
  5. State-of-the-art equipment makes teaching easier and more effective.
  6. Modern equipment is upgradeable.
  7. New, professional equipment lasts for several years, allowing your school system to get the most out of your investment.

Who should I contact about professional hybrid teaching technology?

Contact American Sound for more information, or call (859) 261-9024 in Cincinnati or (502) 694-3339 in Louisville. 

We’ll discuss your needs and options with you.

Choosing the Right Classroom Sound Reinforcement System

Your school system may benefit from classroom sound reinforcement, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Schools must adapt to new learning environments brought about by the spread of this infectious disease. Today’s blog from American Sound talks about choosing the right classroom sound reinforcement technology for your building or system.

Related Post: 5 Reasons Your Teachers Need Classroom Sound Reinforcement

Classroom Size

The classroom’s size is probably the most important factor in selecting the right classroom sound reinforcement system. There’s the physical classroom size: Is it a small room? Is it half of a gymnasium? Then there’s how many children are in the room. A small room with 30 children may need the same type of system as a larger room with 10 students. American Sound can determine the right type of classroom sound reinforcement for each individual room in your building.


Can the elements of your classroom sound reinforcement be moved around the room easily? For example, a wireless microphone is a must. Do you prefer a ceiling-mounted speaker or one with a portable speaker the teacher can carry? Ceiling-mounted speakers pack a greater sound punch compared to portable models, but those won’t work if the teacher needs to head outside for recess.


What’s the range of the system? Range includes the sensitivity of the microphone, such as how close or far away the microphone is from the teacher’s mouth. The range for classroom sound reinforcement technology also includes how far away someone can hear noises coming from the speaker. You want everyone in the room to hear what’s coming from the system, but not necessarily those in the hallway walking past the room.

Type of Instruction

A teacher lecturing on ordinary topics, such as math, science, or writing, needs a different classroom sound reinforcement system compared to a teacher working with musical instruments or singing. Those types of classrooms have different configurations and acoustics requirements, so you’ll need slightly different configurations for your sound systems.

Related Post: Why Classroom Technology in Cincinnati OH Is More Important Than Ever

Classroom Technology by American Sound

The pros at American Sound are experts in classroom sound reinforcement. We’d be happy to demonstrate how these systems work, and then we’ll discuss your options. Get in touch with American Sound or call (859) 261-9024 for more information on how we can help your school system, teachers, and students.

How to Make Classroom Sound Reinforcement Cool for Elementary Kids

Teachers need all the help they can get as they adapt to new learning models in the classroom due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While masks and social distancing make it harder to deliver lessons, there are ways around these barriers to education.

Enter classroom sound reinforcement systems. They pipe sound through a microphone into an overhead speaker so everyone can hear. These systems save your teachers’ voices and allow them to be heard in all corners of the classroom. Today’s blog from American Sound discusses how to make classroom sound reinforcement cool for elementary school kids.

Related Post: 5 Ways Classroom Technology Enhances Your Students’ Learning

Remember That Kids Love Technology

One thing to remember is that kids love technology. The sooner young children learn how to use computers and smartphones, the more adept they’ll be at using new technology when they’re older. Kindergarteners will undoubtedly ask repeated questions about the microphone and where the teacher’s voice is coming from with regard to the classroom sound reinforcement technology. Kids are understandably curious, and they want to know about the cool gadget their teacher is using.

Talk About the System

Rather than wait and talk about the classroom sound reinforcement when you have a formal lesson, talk about the system when kids ask about it. Say how this helps everyone, and that kids should pay attention to whoever speaks through the microphone. Consider letting some pupils speak through the mic so they can hear their own voices. Children learn best when they can relate to the lesson, so making it about them is a great way to help them feel at ease with the classroom reinforcement technology. 

Make It a Teachable Item

Turn the classroom sound reinforcement technology into a formal lesson. Discuss how sound travels, the technology behind microphones and speakers, turning sound into electrical signals, and how radio waves connect the microphone to the speakers. Of course, each lesson should be age-appropriate. 

Discuss the Importance of Technology

Discuss how important technology is in the lives of everyone. Surely, your students can relate to talking to their parents through a smartphone. Talk about how the same type of technology applies to your classroom sound reinforcement system. Expand the teachable moment to talk about how communication, such as talking and listening, is important for everyone.

Experiment With It

Experiment with classroom sound reinforcement. Have your students talk into the microphone. Does the sound coming out of the speaker get louder as you get closer to it and then softer as you move away from it? What happens when someone whispers into the microphone? What happens if someone shouts?

Related Post: 5 Reasons Your Teachers Need Classroom Sound Reinforcement

Classroom Technology & American Sound

Classroom sound reinforcement is an essential part of an overall classroom technology platform, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. These types of systems can help your students and teachers stay healthier while achieving effective outcomes.  Contact American Sound or call (859) 261-9024 for more information on what we can do for your school.

How to Combine Hybrid Learning and Classroom Sound Reinforcement Technology

Many school districts across the country are turning to a hybrid learning model. Teachers combine in-class learning with remote learning as students connect from home using laptops or mobile devices. 

When combined with internet connectivity, classroom sound reinforcement can help teachers reach the most students in the most effective ways. Today’s blog from American Sound explains how to combine hybrid learning and classroom sound reinforcement.

Related Post: 5 Reasons Your Teachers Need Classroom Sound Reinforcement

Hearing the Teacher’s Voice

One key to learning, both in class and at home, is hearing the teacher’s voice. A teacher needs to make sure every student can hear his or her lessons, whether 30 kids are in the room or just five. 

Classroom sound reinforcement alleviates the strain on the teacher’s voice through the mask while making sure their voice comes through loud and clear in the speaker system. But how do you set up the system to make sure students at home can hear, too?

Setting Up Microphones

Wireless microphones represent the best setup for hybrid learning and classroom sound reinforcement. Make sure your wireless microphone technology connects to the room’s speakers and the computer that transmits the lessons to your students. 

State-of-the-art wireless microphones use a USB drive that plugs into the laptop to serve as a direct audio connection. That prevents feedback from the overhead speaker from creating a loop of squeals and static. Plus, that direct audio link makes it easier for students to hear a teacher’s unfiltered voice compared to one that goes through the teacher’s microphone, a speaker, the computer’s microphone, and then the student’s speakers. 

Dual Receivers

To accomplish effective hybrid and in-room learning with classroom sound reinforcement, you’ll need a wireless microphone system with dual receivers that connect directly to computers and speakers at the same time. 

Other considerations include:

  • Does the classroom sound reinforcement reach the entire room?
  • Is the system user-friendly?
  • Can it reproduce sound so everyone can understand the teacher clearly?

Related Post: Why Classroom Technology in Cincinnati OH Is More Important Than Ever

Classroom Technology by American Sound

The pros at American Sound are experts in classroom sound reinforcement. Talk to us about scheduling a consultation or demonstration of how these systems work. We’d be happy to meet with you to discuss options. Contact American Sound or call (859) 261-9024 for more information on what we can do for your school system, teachers, and students.

3 Main Elements of a Classroom Sound Reinforcement System

Classroom sound reinforcement amplifies a teacher’s voice into a noisy classroom filled with kids. The overall goal is for the teacher to be heard more clearly, especially if the teacher has to wear a mask as mandated by health officials. In today’s blog from American Sound, we describe the three main components of a classroom sound reinforcement system.

Related Post: 5 Ways Classroom Technology Enhances Your Students’ Learning

1. Microphone

The teacher wears a microphone, usually as a lightweight appliance around the neck. Even though they are lightweight, these microphones are heavy-duty, withstanding hours of continuous use. Inside the microphone is a lithium-ion battery that recharges after a day of teaching. Handy controls allow the teacher to increase or decrease the volume and turn the unit on or off.

The idea here is to have a hands-free model that doesn’t interfere with the teacher’s normal movements. Lapel microphones with wires may get caught on clothing or on students. Headset microphones may not work well because it could interfere with a teacher’s mask.

2. Video or Interactive Screen

For larger classrooms, a video screen or interactive screen projects an image of the teacher on a wall or even to tablet computers in the hands of students. The camera is generally mounted high on a wall or the ceiling so it stays out of reach of curious students.

3. Ceiling-Mounted Speakers

The beauty of classroom sound reinforcement comes from the state-of-the-art speaker system. Ceiling-mounted speakers allow sound to travel in all directions to all corners of the room, which is much more effective than speakers at the front of the room projecting outward. Even better, ceiling mounts keep the speakers away from curious students. 

We might install one overhead speaker for smaller rooms or multiple speakers in larger classrooms for optimal performance. The staff at American Sound will come to your school, assess the needs of each individual room, and test the classroom sound reinforcement technology before the teacher uses it in a learning environment.

Related Post: Why Classroom Technology in Cincinnati OH Is More Important Than Ever

Classroom Sound Reinforcement by American Sound

Classroom sound reinforcement represents an essential part of an overall classroom technology platform, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Contact American Sound or call (859) 261-9024 for more information on what we can do for your school.

5 Reasons Your Teachers Need Classroom Sound Reinforcement

School districts were forced to adapt to new learning models when the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world. Classroom technology suddenly became a huge deal, with students learning remotely and teachers needing to practice social distancing in their classrooms. 

Have you heard of classroom sound reinforcement? It’s where teachers can amplify their voices via overhead speakers so they can be heard, even through a face covering. Today’s blog from American Sound outlines five reasons why your teachers need classroom sound reinforcement.

Related Post: Why Classroom Technology in Cincinnati OH Is More Important Than Ever

1. Save Teachers’ Voices

Teachers must wear a mask to help prevent the spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19. Even in the best classroom conditions, it can be hard to hear a teacher speaking through a mask. Classroom sound reinforcement saves teachers’ voices so they can get through a long day of teaching without straining their vocal cords.

2. Improved Health of Teachers and Students

Social distancing, combined with face coverings, are two of the best ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19 when you’re in a public setting, as laid out by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. A teacher’s amplified voice helps him or her to maintain at least 6 feet of separation from students because the teacher’s voice can be heard from a distance.

3. Every Student Can Hear

Classrooms get noisy. Kids can’t help it. Whether you have a room full of kindergartners or 12th-graders, they’ll get loud. Classroom sound reinforcement allows every student to hear you because the speakers are overhead rather than at the front of the room. The sound travels in all directions so not one single decibel is wasted.

4. Instructions Come Across More Clearly

When students can hear, instructions come across more clearly. It’s already difficult to give individualized attention to dozens of students at once. Rather than getting close to students, a teacher can calmly give instructions through a classroom sound reinforcement system. Even better, integrated classroom technology helps this process along by having touchscreens, laptops, and tablets to enhance learning.

5. Better Classroom Learning Environment

Technology is cool. Kids love it, and they embrace it at an early age. When teachers and students are healthier and understand each other easily, it fosters a better learning environment. Students hear a teacher’s instructions, remember what was said, and complete tasks more effectively using this audio system. Combine classroom sound reinforcement with computer technology for lessons so teachers can help with all facets of their students’ learning abilities. 

Related Post: 5 Ways Classroom Technology Enhances Your Students’ Learning

Classroom Technology by American Sound

Classroom sound reinforcement is a vital part of an overall classroom technology platform. Plus it can help your teachers and students stay healthier. Contact American Sound or call (859) 261-9024 for more information on what we can do for your school system.

5 Ways Classroom Technology Enhances Your Students’ Learning

Classroom technology is continuing to evolve. When used the right way, interactive technology helps your students dive deeper into a larger world by helping them understand that what they learn in the classroom has real-world and practical implications. In today’s blog from American Sound, we explain five key ways classroom technology enhances your students’ learning for more effective results.

1. Technology Is Everywhere

Kids love technology. They probably already know how to use Mom or Dad’s smartphone. Classroom technology helps kids learn how to use tablets, laptops, and computers responsibly and correctly in a supervised setting. In 15 to 20 years, elementary students will need to know how to use technology for their careers. Teachers set the parameters for connected devices used in the classroom. But this technology is so much more than having one device in the hands of each student.

2. Supporting Your Existing Curricula

Interactive whiteboards, with advanced video and audio, support your existing curricula. Imagine a lesson about the English alphabet, and today’s letter is Z. An interactive whiteboard displays several objects. Some of them start with Z, while others don’t. The teacher can ask students to come up to the board, one at a time, to pick out the items that start with Z. When the student picks one, that object moves and makes noise. A cartoon zebra starts galloping or a zipper opens or closes with a zipping sound. The other items on the screen also have the same effects, and the teacher can make a point to say what the items are and what letter they start with. 

3. Customization

Classroom technology also allows for customization. Back to the interactive whiteboard and a science lesson about animals. On the big screen are all kinds of mammals, from aardvarks to zebras. The teacher can call out to students to see what animals are their favorites or what animals they like the most. Let’s say Stacy really likes elephants. The teacher can tap on the image of the elephant and send a video about elephants to Stacy’s tablet computer. Steven gets excited with the sloth on the screen. The teacher can do the same thing with the sloth.

4. One-on-One Assistance and Communal Learning

Schools tout one-on-one assistance for students using the mantra “one computer for each student.” Yet communal learning also has its benefits. Classroom technology delivers the best of both ideals. Students get customized learning on their computers, while group projects and larger concepts can be handled on the interactive whiteboard. Students can still help each other out when taking care of group projects or classroom-wide lessons by calling out answers or adding to the discussion and collaborating with their peers.

5. Accountability

School districts tout the accountability of their curricula when appealing to parents and the public. Interactive classroom technology helps achieve that goal. Tablet computers and desktop systems for teachers record every aspect of lessons, learning, and assignments every minute of every day. These systems can track student progress each day throughout the semester. 

Classroom technology can also point to areas where students need improvement. A teacher can offer more assistance to a student who may not understand certain concepts yet. Computers help teachers identify opportunities and techniques to foster a more positive learning experience.

Classroom Technology by American Sound 

Count on American Sound for state-of-the-art classroom technology. We specialize in eBeam, a system that combines interactive boards, audio, video, and software supported on existing tablets and laptops. Contact American Sound or call (859) 261-9024 for more information on our classroom technology, whether you need it for an elementary school, an entire school district, or a 300-seat lecture hall.