Breaking Down the Basics: Main Components of a Video Wall

Video walls are popular for displaying digital content in various settings, from corporate offices to retail stores to event venues. These large displays combine multiple screens to create one seamless image or video. While they may seem simple, several essential components make up a video wall

American Sound discusses the basics and discusses the main components of a video wall, giving you a better understanding of how these impressive displays work and how to choose the right one for your needs. 

Display Panels: The Visual Foundation

At the heart of every video wall is a series of display panels, serving as the visual foundation of these dynamic systems. These panels can be: 

  • LCD
  • LED
  • OLED screens

Each offers different brightness levels, color accuracy, and viewing angles. The choice between these technologies largely depends on the video wall’s intended use, the installation site’s ambient lighting conditions, and budget considerations. 

  • LCD panels are commonly used for indoor environments due to their cost-effectiveness and high resolution. 
  • LED panels are preferred for indoor and outdoor applications because of their brightness and scalability. 
  • OLED screens, known for their vibrant colors and deep blacks, are an excellent choice for high-end video walls where image quality is paramount. 

Each panel works in concert with its neighbors to display a portion of the overall image, requiring precise calibration and synchronization to ensure a seamless viewing experience.

One of the best examples of a custom-made display panel is the video wall above the football field in So-Fi Stadium in Los Angeles. Called The Infinity Screen, it’s curved, weighs 2.2 million pounds, and can be seen from any angle in the stadium.

Related Post: Video Walls For Sports Stadiums and Arenas

Video Wall Controllers: The Brains Behind the Operation

Video wall controllers are essential in the functionality of a video wall, acting as the central processing units that manage the distribution of content across the display panels. These sophisticated devices receive input from various sources, such as computers, media players, or live cameras, and then process this data to display it correctly on the video wall. 

They handle the complex task of splitting the input signal so that each panel shows the appropriate segment of the overall image or video. This requires intricate software and hardware coordination to ensure the content appears seamless across the entire video wall without distortion or misalignment. Moreover, video wall controllers are responsible for scaling the input resolution to match the video wall’s combined resolution, maintaining image quality and coherence.

Mounting Solutions: Keeping It All Together

Mounting solutions are critical in constructing a video wall, ensuring that each display panel is securely and accurately positioned. These solutions can vary from freestanding floor mounts to wall-mounted brackets or even ceiling-hung systems, depending on the design and location of the video wall. 

The choice of mounting solution impacts not only the stability and safety of the display but also its aesthetics and viewing angles. Precision in the alignment of panels is paramount, as even minor discrepancies can disrupt the seamless appearance of the video wall. Furthermore, mounting solutions must offer the flexibility to accommodate the specific configurations of a video wall, including its size, shape, and the orientation of panels. Proper professional installation ensures the video wall remains a durable and impressive fixture for displaying content.

Connectivity Options: Making the Connection

Connectivity options form the essential links that tie all video wall components together, enabling the seamless transmission of content from the source to the screens. 

These options can include: 

  • HDMI
  • DisplayPort
  • DVI
  • VGA for video input
  • Ethernet or Wi-Fi for network connectivity. 

The choice of connectivity method depends on the source of the content, the distance between the content source and the video wall, and the desired resolution and refresh rate. 

For high-definition content, HDMI and DisplayPort are preferred for their ability to support higher resolutions and frame rates. In contrast, Ethernet and Wi-Fi connections are crucial for video walls that rely on streaming content or must be controlled remotely.

Content Management Software: Creating Compelling Displays

Content management software (CMS) is the cornerstone for orchestrating the visual experience on a video wall. This powerful software allows users to design, schedule, and update the content displayed across the video wall’s panels seamlessly. 

From simple image slideshows to complex, dynamic video streams, CMS provides the tools necessary to captivate and engage audiences. Users can leverage CMS to create layouts that span across multiple panels or target specific areas of the video wall for localized content.

Additionally, CMS platforms often include analytics features, enabling users to gauge content performance and audience engagement. This feedback loop is invaluable for optimizing the impact of displayed content.

Related Post: Why Your Executive Conference Room Can’t Afford Low-Quality AV Systems

Professional Video Walls in Cincinnati, Louisville, Indianapolis & Beyond

American Sound, with offices in Cincinnati, Louisville, and Indianapolis, can design and install a specialized video wall in your business or workplace.Call (859) 261-9024 for more information on what our team can do for you.

Breaking Barriers: 5 Innovative Uses for Your Outdoor Video Wall

Outdoor video walls are revolutionizing the way companies reach their target audiences. Whether you’re a small business, a large corporation, or an institution, you can benefit from the use of a  video wall. With this technology, you can deliver compelling messages and capture the attention of your customers with colorful visuals. From creating breathtaking displays to delivering interactive experiences, the possibilities for an outdoor video wall are nearly endless.

Related Post: How Video Walls In Retail Boost Sales and Engagement

1) Transforming Outdoor Spaces with an Outdoor Video Wall

Outdoor video walls have the power to transform any outdoor space into a captivating and immersive experience. Whether it’s a shopping center, sports arena, or public square, a video wall can completely change the atmosphere and create a unique environment for your customers or visitors. 

Imagine walking through a busy street and being greeted by a stunning video display showcasing the latest products from your favorite brand. With an outdoor video wall, you can turn any dull outdoor area into a vibrant and dynamic space that grabs attention and sparks curiosity. 

But it’s not just about the aesthetics. An outdoor video wall can also be used to create interactive experiences that engage and entertain your audience. Imagine a large LED screen where people can play games, answer quizzes, or even participate in virtual reality experiences. It’s a whole new level of interaction that can make your outdoor space a destination in itself.

2) Enhancing Brand Awareness with Large-Scale Advertising

Consider a massive LED screen strategically placed in a bustling city center, showcasing your brand’s captivating visuals and messaging to thousands of passersby. With an outdoor video wall, you can create a memorable and impactful advertising campaign that will leave a lasting impression on your target audience.

The large size and high resolution of video walls ensure that your brand’s content stands out in the busy urban landscape. Whether it’s a vibrant video showcasing your latest products or a visually stunning display featuring your brand’s logo and tagline, a video wall can capture the attention of even the most distracted individuals.

Furthermore, outdoor video walls allow for dynamic content scheduling, ensuring that your message reaches your target audience at the right time. You can display different advertisements or promotions based on the time of day or even the weather conditions. This level of customization and flexibility allows you to tailor your brand’s messaging and increase the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns.

3) Entertaining Large Crowds with a Spectacular Display

Outdoor video walls have the ability to captivate and entertain large crowds with their spectacular displays. Whether it’s a music festival, a sports event, or a public gathering, an outdoor video wall can create a truly immersive experience that keeps the audience engaged and excited.

Imagine attending a live concert where the stage is backed by a massive LED screen displaying mesmerizing visuals that perfectly sync with the music. The combination of the live performance and the stunning video display creates an unforgettable experience that leaves the crowd in awe.

But it’s not just concerts that can benefit from an outdoor video wall. Sporting events can be taken to a whole new level with the addition of large-scale displays. Fans will love watching a basketball game where the large video wall not only showcases the live action but also provides instant replays and highlights, enhancing the overall viewing experience for the audience.

4) Educating and Informing Audiences with Engaging Content

An outdoor video wall can be a powerful tool for educating and informing audiences with engaging content. Whether you’re an educational institution, a museum, or a public library, a video wall can bring learning experiences to a whole new level. Imagine walking through a park and stumbling upon an outdoor video wall that showcases historical facts, interactive quizzes, and virtual tours of famous landmarks. It’s an opportunity to engage and educate passersby in a fun and interactive way.

An outdoor video wall can also be a valuable resource for tourists and visitors. Whether it’s displaying maps, directions, or information about local attractions, an interactive video wall can serve as a digital guidebook, helping people navigate and explore a new city or destination.

5) Improving Safety and Security with Real-Time Monitoring

By integrating surveillance cameras and sensors with the video wall, you can constantly monitor the environment and quickly respond to any incidents. Whether it’s detecting unauthorized access, monitoring crowd movements, or identifying potential safety risks, real-time monitoring can help prevent accidents and ensure the well-being of both visitors and employees. 

Additionally, an outdoor video wall can be used to display emergency alerts and public safety messages. In the event of an emergency, such as severe weather or a security threat, the video wall can instantly relay important information to the public, providing instructions and keeping everyone informed and safe.

Outdoor Video Walls With American Sound

American Sound, with offices in Cincinnati, Louisville, and Indianapolis, can install high-quality video walls for your venue. Then we back up the installation with world-class tech support and customer service after the install. Call (859) 261-9024 for more information on what our team can do for you.

How to Create Amazing Content for Your Video Wall

Are you or your team looking for ways to create amazing content for your video wall? Video walls provide an excellent tool for businesses, schools, and organizations to display dynamic and informative content. Whether you want to show off photos, videos, corporate culture, awards, or advertisements, a video wall can be a great way to capture the attention of your audience. 

The team at American Sound discusses the best practices for creating fantastic content for your video wall.

Related Post: What Type of Video Wall is Right For Your Company?

Consider Contrast

When creating content for your video wall, contrast represents one important factor to consider. Contrast refers to the difference in brightness among various elements of your display, such as text, images, and backgrounds. Good contrast helps the content stand out to grab someone’s attention.

When text has good contrast against the background, it becomes more legible and readable from a distance. Contrast comes in handy for busy entryways, where viewers may only have a few seconds to glance at the screen, such as a storefront, escalator, or hallway.

Aspect Ratio

The aspect ratio is the ratio of the width to the height of an image or video, and it can greatly affect the overall viewing experience on a video wall. The wrong aspect ratio can result in a distorted or stretched image, which can make it difficult for viewers to understand the message you are trying to convey.

Choosing the right aspect ratio for your video wall will ensure that your content displays correctly and looks great. Consider the type of content you want to display and the size and resolution of your video wall when selecting the aspect ratio. For example, someone’s portrait or face might look better in a vertically oriented aspect ratio versus a horizontally oriented aspect ratio, while a plate of food might be the opposite.

Know the Viewing Distance

If your audience views the video wall from a close distance, you can create content with more detail, as people can see everything clearly. However, if the viewer sees the images far away from the video wall, even up to 50 to 100 feet away, your content needs to have bigger and bolder elements that can be seen from a distance, including a larger font size. Having a large video wall in a huge entryway offers an appropriate canvas for large images. However, a smaller entryway or storefront would do better with images that are more concise.

If the video wall sits in a public area where people walk by, you need to keep in mind that the viewers will not have much time to read your content. So, it is crucial to keep your message short and simple. Use eye-catching colors and graphics to attract their attention and make them stop to take a look.

Related Post: Video Walls For Sports Stadiums and Arenas

Keep Text Short and Simple

Consider keeping the text short and simple. Why? Well, the primary goal of a video wall is to capture the attention of viewers and convey a message effectively. After all, a video wall uses imagery to convey messages quickly. And you increase the likelihood of your audience understanding the message you want to communicate in a short span of time.

In the fast-paced digital world we live in, people have shorter attention spans and have a lot going on, so it’s essential to get your message across in a concise and easily digestible manner. Long paragraphs or complicated sentences just won’t work here. 

Use Moving Graphics

Incorporating moving graphics into your video wall helps you create engaging content. Moving graphics add a layer of interest to your display, helping to capture customers’ attention. A well-designed animation or motion graphic can tell a story, convey an emotion, or highlight a product or service in a visually compelling way that’s different from ordinary video. 

When using moving graphics, it’s important to consider the length and complexity of the animation. Keep the animation short and sweet so that customers can easily grasp the message. You can also consider incorporating different types of movements, such as parallax scrolling, panning, or zooming, to create a sense of depth or draw attention to specific areas of the display. 

Video Wall Installation

American Sound, with offices in Cincinnati, Louisville, and Indianapolis, provides professional video wall installation and support. We can install a video wall in your business or retail location.Call (859) 261-9024 for more information on what our team can do for you.

How Video Walls in Retail Boost Sales & Engagement

In today’s fast-paced world, retail stores have to keep up with the times. With competition becoming steeper, store owners need to up their game in order to catch the attention of shoppers. This is where video walls in retail come in. 

These high-tech displays are making their way into more and more retail environments, and have become a popular tool for boosting sales and engagement. American Sound explores the reasons why video walls are becoming a must-have for retailers and how they can be used to improve your sales and customer experience.

Related Post: What Type of Video Wall is Right For Your Company?

Creates Fantastic First Impressions

Video walls create a larger-than-life presentation that immediately captures customer attention and curiosity. It sets the tone for the whole shopping experience, encouraging them to explore and engage with your brand.

In today’s competitive retail landscape, brands need to find new and creative ways to stand out from competitors and create a memorable experience for customers. 

Video walls offer an exciting and unique way to showcase products, promotions, and campaigns to leave a lasting impression. With video walls, your store will exude modernity, professionalism, and creativity, immediately impressing customers as they step inside.

Grabs Attention

One of the biggest advantages of having a video wall in your retail store is the ability to grab customers’ attention. Video walls offer an immersive and eye-catching experience that captures people’s interest and encourages them to explore more. This is particularly useful when promoting new products or sales.

Video walls are particularly effective in high-traffic areas of the store, such as entranceways or window displays. They can create a buzz around your brand and products, drawing in customers who may have otherwise passed by. This can translate into increased foot traffic, longer dwell times, and ultimately, higher sales.

Related Post: 10 Reasons to Get An LED Video Wall 

Costs Less Versus Traditional In-Store Signage

One of the benefits of investing in a video wall for your retail store is that it can ultimately cost less than constantly replacing traditional in-store signage. With a video wall, you have the ability to create and display new content without the need for physical signage. This means you won’t need to constantly print new signs, update outdated displays, or invest in new materials and installation costs.

Gather Data With Sensors & Analytics

Having a video wall in your retail store can also help you gather data with sensors and analytics. Video walls can be equipped with sensors that track customer engagement and behaviors, such as how long they look at a particular display or what they touch or interact with. By collecting this data, you can gain insight into your customers’ preferences and make data-driven decisions to improve your store’s performance.

Adapt to Changing Brands

With physical signs, it can take a lot of time, effort, and money to change them every time you introduce a new brand or product line. On the other hand, a video wall allows you to quickly and easily update your displays to reflect the latest trends and products. 

With just a few clicks, you can switch out the content on your video wall to showcase new items, promotions, or sales. This means that you can keep your displays fresh and exciting and ensure that your customers always see the latest and greatest that your store has to offer. And, even better, you can save labor costs needed to replace signage in the store. Your associates can focus on customer service or keeping stocks fresh instead.

Customization With Apps & QR Codes

With the help of apps and QR codes, customers can access personalized content and offers on the video wall.

QR codes can be placed around the store that can be scanned to access exclusive discounts or promotions. These codes can be displayed on the video wall, and customers can use their smartphones to scan them.

This level of personalization can go a long way in increasing customer engagement and satisfaction. It also allows retailers to gather valuable data on customer preferences and behaviors, which can be used to further tailor the shopping experience.

Video Wall Installation

American Sound, with offices in Cincinnati, Louisville, and Indianapolis, provides professional video wall installation and support. We can install a video wall in your business or retail location.

Call (859) 261-9024 for more information on what our team can do for you.

Video Walls for Sports Stadiums and Arenas

Video walls are great additions to sports stadiums because they are bright and light up the field with color and excitement. They are quickly becoming a staple of any sporting event as a way to display everything from scores to trivia questions. So how can video walls be used in sports stadiums and arenas?

Related Post: What Type of Video Wall is Right For Your Company?

Stadium Signs

Digital display signs are a must in any modern sports stadium. In our digital age, they are even expected by fans. These video walls are used for displaying scores and timers, player information, and even replaying important plays for the audience to get a closer look.

If you are interested in showing advertisements on the field, a stadium sign is a great way to project them to a large audience. Outdoor LED video walls are bright and eye-catching and can make your stadium look up-to-date.

Stadium signs can also help cover large, unused areas surrounding the field in a more interesting way than flat, printed signs. Signs throughout the stadium, like on concourses, can display menus, directions, and information to your target audience.


A video wall makes a great digital display for a scoreboard. They are easy to update, and time can be adjusted instantly. Being displayed on a large screen makes the score easily visible to all the fans watching, especially at night.

Over-the-Field Video Wall

Having a video wall above the entire field, much like the So-Fi Stadium, allows for constant, high-definition information and videos to be displayed to the audience.

This can include:

  • Scores
  • Player stats and information
  • Advertisements for food, beverages, or merchandise
  • Sponsor advertisements
  • Entertainment, like videos and trivia
  • Interactive elements
  • Game replays

These video walls are often displayed front and center over the field and add to the excitement of the game. The one in So-Fi Stadium is particularly large.


A video wall is a must at any large concert as well. Not all of the audience can be front and center, and those further back love to have a close-up of the performers on display. Large LED display walls on either side of the stage can amplify the performance by showing individual band members, special effects, and more. Video walls are great for comedians.

Video walls can also be used behind the stage for added colors, videos, and special effects. Often these walls brighten up the arena, and the displays are worked into the show for added excitement.

Related Post: 10 Reasons to Get an LED Video Wall

Outdoor Video Walls With American Sound

American Sound, with offices in Cincinnati, Louisville, Phoenix, and Indianapolis, can install an LED video wall on your sports field or concert stage.

Call (859) 261-9024 for more information on what our team can do for you.

What Type of Video Wall Is Right for Your Company?

If your company is considering getting a video wall, you might wonder which type would be the best fit. The best way to decide is to look at several factors that would determine what you need, including the display type, screen size, and location. American Sound explains how to know which kind of video wall is right for your company. 

Related Post: 10 Reasons to Get an LCD Video Wall


The two main types of video walls are LED and LCD. An LCD video wall is typically backlit. LED video walls are made of tiny lights that produce color, and they are considered the best possible video wall on the market today, although both types produce stunning images.

A professional can help you decide what type would best suit your company based on the location of the video wall and other factors like the lighting in that area and the overall tone of the room.


The size of your video wall is essential in choosing the right type of screen and display. LCD walls are best for indoor areas, and LCD screens can be grouped together to form one large wall. LCD has its size limitations, though. 

If you are looking for a large outdoor screen, LED is probably the way to go. LED walls can typically be made as large as you need them to be and are very bright, making them perfect to be seen in an outdoor setting. The biggest video walls in America are usually found at huge sports stadiums.

Cost Consideration

If cost is a factor, consider that LED walls are significantly more expensive than LCD walls. A basic LED video wall setup will cost several times what a basic LCD video would cost. But you’ll get a video wall that adapts better to changing technology.


Where would the video wall be located? If it is a touch screen, it may be down low. If it is for advertising purposes, it may be up high. For video screens located inside a company building, it might be best to use an LCD wall.

If your video screen will be located outside the building, an LED wall will likely have an easier time being seen as LED screens can be brighter and clearer.


How secure does your wall need to be? Do you want customers to be able to touch it, or do you need it up and out of reach? Where your wall is located and how much access you want customers to have with it will make a difference in which kind works best.

Content on the Wall

What type of content will you be showing? Is your video wall displaying calming images to set the tone of your company building and delight your customers? Or is your video wall meant to be a large advertisement? The types of content you are showing helps determine the location of the wall and the kind of video screen needed.

How Customers Interact With the Video Wall

Will your video wall be located somewhere that makes it easy for customers to interact with it? If the video wall is meant to be a touch screen, it will most likely be indoors. To avoid overly bright displays and to match the ambiance of the building, it may be better to go with an LCD wall for this situation. If your wall will be located outside and is meant for something other than customer interaction, LED is likely better. LED screens can be unbelievably bright, making great advertisements that can be seen from far away.

Related Post: What Are The Main Components of a Video Wall?

Video Walls With American Sound

American Sound, with offices in Cincinnati, Louisville, Phoenix, and Indianapolis, can install an LED or LCD video wall in your business. 

Call (859) 261-9024 for more information on what our team can do for you.

10 Reasons to Get an LED Video Wall

Video walls offer your sports bar, professional sports venue, corporate office, or industrial facility a way to put your best digital images or videos on display for customers, workers, and clients. 

Why do you need an LED video wall? We’ll showcase 10 reasons why.

Related Post: What Is a Seamless Video Wall? How Does Your Business Get One?

1. Entertain People

High-quality images and videos make a fantastic first impression on people who see the gigantic, larger-than-life images or the latest show on TV. In addition to food and drinks, the lifeblood of sports bars includes LED video walls where games keep your patrons entertained for hours while the drinks flow. Professional venues can also use video walls to project images of performers on the stage.

2. Disseminate Information

Your employees, guests, or customers may need vital information about your building or company. For example, you can showcase your company’s products or services on an LED video wall as part of your marketing. Employees can view shift schedules, company news, a map of the building, or emergency information. For security rooms or television production facilities, engineers in a secure location can easily view everything happening on the monitors.

3. Advertise

Clear, crisp images create a digital canvas upon which to paint a picture worth millions of words to your target audience. Deep colors, high-resolution images, and video can make brands stand out and give your company or whoever owns the LED video wall passive income for as long as people pay for advertising.

4. Interact With Customers

Interactive displays provide engaging ways to capture people’s attention. Museums can bring their subjects to life with quality imagery and storytelling and allow guests to choose their next adventure if they want to learn more about specific subjects.

5. Host Great Meetings

Conference rooms and meeting rooms are becoming increasingly important with the day-to-day operations of companies everywhere. LED video walls let your team see remote workers or faraway collaborators easily and effortlessly. Think about surgeons consulting with each other on an operation with a high-definition camera in the operating room and a consulting surgery team watching on a video wall to give expert advice.

6. Welcome Guests

Your front lobby may provide the first impression to many guests. Do you need to point people where to go for tonight’s performance or which theater the movie is showing in? Create a lasting impression with a large LED video wall. Put your logo on the wall welcoming guests to your venue’s charitable event, convention, or trade show.

7. Showcase Your Products

Customers in your store can get product information quickly and easily through a QR code posted to your LED video wall. Have a huge sale going on? Display it on your LED video wall. Want to highlight a particular product line? Have a video of a customer using your product on the video wall. Produce a QR code for coupons, offers, and limited-time deals to generate buzz about your in-store sales.

8. Teach People

LED video walls help professors, lecturers, and teachers get their lessons across to students. This is especially true in larger lecture halls with hundreds and even hybrid teaching where some students learn from home because the cameras broadcasting a lecture on the big screen can double as a way to transmit information through the internet. Imagine illustrating a concept through a map, graph, or video on a large screen that everyone can see clearly.

9. Broadcast in High Resolution 

In the past, larger screens meant lower resolutions the bigger they became. That’s no longer the case with digital technology inherent in LED video walls. Whether your facility wants one 8 x 4.5 feet or 64 by 36 feet, the resolution doesn’t taper off the larger the video wall gets.

10. Wow Everyone

LED video walls give your brand a chance to wow every person who sees one. Whether you want to point the way to your new exhibit or need to get your spiritual message across, a video wall can leave a lasting impression on people in the right way.

Related Post: Video Wall FAQs

Ready for world-class video walls?

American Sound, with offices in Cincinnati, Louisville, Phoenix, and Indianapolis, can install world-class professional video walls for any facility and venue, whether you’ve got a sports arena, football stadium, church sanctuary, or bar with a dozen televisions.

Call us at (859) 261-9024 for more information on what our team can do for you.

Video Wall FAQs

8K UHD: What You Need to Know From American Sound

You’ve seen DVD and home video technology evolve over the years. First, there was HD (high-definition). Now stores are filled with 4K UHD (ultra-high-definition) movies. There’s a new standard on the horizon: 8K UHD. What does this mean? American Sound explains.

8K: Four Times 4K

Four plus four is eight, right? That’s not quite how it works in digital imagery. 8K UHD has a resolution of 7,680 by 4,320 pixels, which is quadruple the number of pixels per square inch in a 4K UHD television monitor at 3,840 by 2,160 pixels. 

8K UHD resolution packs four times more pixels than 4K UHD and 16 times more than 1080p resolution. Do you want to see 8K in action? American Sound has a new 98” 8k display in our conference room. With AI upscaling technology exclusively from Samsung, you’ll be blown away by what it can do. 

More Than Higher Resolution

When you zoom in on a shot from far away, the resolution and clarity of the shot lowers in quality, usually. 8K UHD solves that problem. For moviemakers and videographers, cameras that shoot with 8K UHD allow them to take wider shots and more far-away shots. In post-production, editors can go into a particular frame, zoom in on an element, and then improve the resolution of that element. You don’t lose any pixels by zooming in. There is no such thing as a grainy shot with 8K UHD. AI upscaling with 8K UHD takes footage made in a lower resolution and converts it to 8K.

8K UHD in Your Building

Imagine a beautiful drone shot of your facility. It soars from the front door to the roof and around back. Along the way, the drone takes footage of people waving, walking to their cars, and sitting on the patio just outside of your break room. Rather than needing to zoom in to get close-ups of people’s faces, the drone maintains a safe distance. In post-production, an editor zooms in on Steve waving happily. Stacy looks radiant as she’s talking to Jenny on the patio. Some high-end drones can already shoot in 8K UHD video. American Sound can work with you to bring 8K footage to life on a huge monitor or a video wall.

Other Applications

8K UHD has other applications. Consider telemedicine. Doctors may need to perform complicated surgeries, and they need to consult with experts in other countries. Improved camera resolutions allow surgeons to see very small things with greater clarity. How about research and development with a foreign client? Let’s say you’re manufacturing a new line of parts, and you need input from a team in Germany. 8K UHD footage and monitors can show you details in a part you might not have been able to see otherwise. When visual clarity is a must, 8K monitors are the next logical step.

Video Walls & 8K UHD by American Sound

You can make a dynamic first impression on everyone who walks into your facility when you have an incredible 8K video wall in your lobby. Contact American Sound or call (859) 261-9024 for more on our 8K UHD display video wall capabilities. Better yet, make an appointment to come by and see it for yourself. We’d be happy to show you.

5 Major Benefits of Video Wall Systems